Constant Growing Amazement Cooks!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

If Life Gives You Lemons!

Creative Cooking was so much fun today! Our theme was If Life Gives You Lemons- the Possibilities are Endless! And they are!

I started off reading a delightful essay I read on a cooking blog- that stated that the whole notion of life handing you lemons is such a crock! Yeah, life can be acerbic. Puckering even. "But," as Cathy Sagon says, "leave the poor lemon alone." She reminds us that lemons can tart up a blah dish, fall into formation as a sunny centerpiece at a moment's notice, vanquish a hot, humid afternoon's thirst and glam up a homely cake, morphing it into something drop-dead sexy with nothing more than a drizzle of citrus-inflicted syrup. "Try," she says, "doing that with an indolent cantaloupe or those prissy apricots!" (see the whole essay here:  )

These were today's delightful recipes-
Grilled Lemon Chicken with Kalamata Olives (Jillian Michael's Fat Burning recipe)
Jillian Michael's potato salad (you have got to try this!)
Creamy Lemon Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes
Pinenut Pasta Salad
Stuffed Pumpkin

Lemonade Cake with Lemon Curd
Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars with Streusel Topping
Lemon Brownies
Easy Eyeball Cookies

and fresh lemonade

Whew! Class was fun- so fun to visit with women I love- and then we all waddled home.

You can find all the recipes here on the blog.  Just  put the name in my blogs search up in the box on the top left...or look for the labels on the side.  Enjoy!

So, let's rethink this whole notion that lemons are synonymous with worthless, nonworking clunkers-thank you, Lemon Law. (Maybe they should rename that silly statue after something truly useless. "Rutabaga Law" sort of has a ring to it.) Lemons should be adored. Venerated, even. And the next time life hands them to you? Be grateful. Candy Sagon

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