Constant Growing Amazement Cooks!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Chicken and Shrimp Fruit Salad with Serranao Peppers and Lime

What a light and delicious salad cousin Zella made for us for our monthly Bucket group.  It is healthy and low fat.  Just very good and refreshing.  I went right out to get the ingredients to make it again for dinner!  Zelaa served hers on a lettuce leaf with warm rolls.

Chicken and Shrimp Fruit Salad with Serrano Peppers and Lime (serves 4)

2 cups cooked and diced or shredded chicken
1-2 cups shrimp
1 Granny Smith apple (more if you like)
1 orange, peeled and in sections (more if you like)
1- 2 cup seedless grapes, cut in halve 

1 cup dry roasted peanuts or cashews

1/2-1 Serrano chili peppers.
2 T. chopped cilantro

1  sliced shallot, diced or sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
sugar to taste
dash of salt

Mix the salad ingredients together except nuts.

Many Southeast Asian dressings do not contain any oil, and this dressing is no exception.  Slice the Serrano chili peppers down the middle and carefully remove the seeds and ribs. (This tones down the spiciness of this dish.)  Add some chopped cilantro.  Saute shallot and garlic  until lightly browned then add to the dressing.  Mix in lime juice and add just enough sugar to balance the acidity of the lime juice.  Add a touch of salt.

Once the dressing is ready, add nuts to salad, then drizzle with dressing.  If you are going to keep this salad for a while, you can mix all the ingredients together, but do not dress it until just before you serve it.

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